Last Night

Last night the moon rose, as she does, casting her flashlight about. What did she find I wonder? Most everyone asleep apart from the lovers in their car, looking over the silver-black water from their perch on the hilltop. No doubt the lovers think the moon shines just for them and of course they are right, for more than any of the celestial gods Luna exists in that gap between dreams and awakening, between faith and belief.

Do you not place importance on your dreams? Is your arrogance such that you feel the moon has nothing to teach? Careful that. What appears to be true in the daylight often shows up quite differently in the shadows.

Luna’s shadows are ever changing, each night twisting slightly, and if you wish to know her power you need only observe the tide. She lifts entire oceans such is her strength. Think for a moment of the whale hundreds of feet beneath the surface; even he can feel her hand lifting his massive body.

It is difficult sometimes to see those shadows. For one, of course you have to be awake when others are not. So a certain discipline is needed, a willingness to step out into the night alone. But she will shine her light on you as well if you allow it, and you should. Look to her, through the darkened trees, and then to the ground. Examine the shadow you cast, take it in. Take that shadow inside with you and invite it into your dreams. And see now what she can teach you.